"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. " Matthew 24:35

The fire was first reported around 9:00 pm, Friday June 8, 2018. Due to the structure of the building (brick with metal roof,) access for the firemen was limited. Strong winds that were constantly changing directions created additional challenges, along with accompanying lightning. Firefighters worked throughout the night, but were unable to do more than just contain the fire and keep surrounding buildings safe. The fire was not declared completely "OUT" until after 2:00 pm on Saturday, June 9. Fortunately, no lives were lost. The building was a total loss, but the "Annex," (the cinderblock fellowship hall across the alley from the building) was unscathed, as were the neighboring homes and buildings. Smoke and flames were visible throughout Kermit, and many church members and Kermit residents watched helplessly as the building went up in flames.

Community Watches In Horror

Flames Roared Far Into the Sky

Members of Kermit Volunteer Fire Department Pray Once Fire Is Contained

Photo: Pam Day